for sale house 3 bedrooms la destrousse

The Destrousse is a village located 30 km from Marseille, 25 km from Aix-en-Provence, and 20 km from La Ciotat and Cassis. It is served by the RD96 and the A 52 motorway.
Its geographical position fuels the curiosity of tourists: located inland, at the foot of the hills of Marcel Pagnol, it is not so far from the sea, the plains (La Crau, Camargue) and the mountains ( massif of Garlaban, Sainte-Victoire, Alpilles, Luberon).
Its inhabitants are called Destroussiens, Destroussiennes.
Anchored in its time, La Destrousse is committed to a controlled urban development concerned to preserve the quality of life of the inhabitants.

maison La Destrousse
160 m² - Village

maison La Destrousse 3 terraces
3 terraces
maison La Destrousse 5 parkings
5 parkings
maison La Destrousse 1 garage
1 garage

The robbery; discover this type 4 villa of approximately 100 m² living space, offering a pleasant and spacious...

House La destrousse Village


maison La Destrousse
160 m² - Village

maison La Destrousse 3 terraces
3 terraces
maison La Destrousse 5 parkings
5 parkings
maison La Destrousse 1 garage
1 garage

The robbery; discover this type 4 villa of approximately 100 m² living space, offering a pleasant and spacious...

House La destrousse Village


maison La Destrousse
160 m² - Village

maison La Destrousse 3 terraces
3 terraces
maison La Destrousse 5 parkings
5 parkings
maison La Destrousse 1 garage
1 garage

The robbery; discover this type 4 villa of approximately 100 m² living space, offering a pleasant and spacious...

House La destrousse Village